DAY 6 (Wednesday, June 30)...

Woke up in the morning with a sense of adventure - planning on doing the Sea to Sky Highway.  While driving there we happened upon a little park that is next to the Cleveland Dam. While we were looking at the reservoir, there was a film crew and an actress filming a sort of a public service commercial regarding the reservoir and dam. She was stating that Vancouver gets most, if not all its fresh drinking water from here.  They were making her drink bottle after bottle of water and re-shooting.  I'm sure that by the end, she was pretty waterlogged and didn't care where Vancouver gets its drinking water.
We then hiked down to the Salmon hatchery...which meant eventually we'd have to hike back up.  This is the kind of "hiking" we did on our trip.  Not too many real wildernessy hikes, just trails to things like fisheries.  However, there were people on the same path that came with their hiking poles.  Interesting.
Did some more driving and got up above Vancouver to the scenic overlook across the river.
Jumped on the highway...the Sea to Sky Highway and started our journey to Squamish.  By the way, did you know that the Squamish (aboriginal people) translation for Squamish has a 7 in the middle of the word???  Sḵwxwú7mesh. When Jerome was reading the street sign, he was like "what the fcuk is that???  There's a 7 in the middle of a word!"  Come to find out that the 7 is actually used as a pause in the word. 
We made plenty of stops; Shannon Falls and The Stawamus Chief (rock formation), the beach in Squamish to watch some kite-boarders and then Squamish the town have lunch at the Grilled Fromage sandwich shop.  Such a picturesque town, with beautiful snow covered mountains as a backdrop.  Then we headed back down toward our hotel and stopped at Horseshoe Bay.  Had a nice drink on a deck that overlooked the bay and watched boats and ferries come and go.
Finally drove around Stanley Park in Vancouver.  At one stop we saw some raccoons that were out begging.  They were so cute and the memory of them kept us busy nearly the rest of the trip.


Jabbles said…
When I was there we drove up the sea to sky highway in the peak(no pun intended but my other option was hight) of construction for the Olympics. I would love to drive it now with two lanes the whole way.
Stanley Park was fun, we rented some 50cc scooter and toured around the park.
Jan Marie said…
Grilled Fromage.....tasty.
baby sister said…
They look ravenous! AND aggressive! Maybe rabies!!! BTW, how are Linda's rabies shots going?

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