6th anniversary...

Thursday was our 6th Anniversary. It's amazing how time flies. I've known this dude for nearly nine and a half years! Whoa!

He is still the great guy I met those many years ago and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I really believe I scored quite a nice treasure with him. I count on him for so much and he never fails to deliver. And smart! He is always several steps in his train of thought than anyone else - in a very logical way. I guess that's part of being an engineer.

He makes me laugh as he is usually in a good mood. And he is a great handyman and can pretty much do anything that is set before him. It may take him longer than most; only because he is measuring it one more time.

Did I mention that he does most of the cooking and baking? He is known far and wide for his desserts.

Anyway, anyone that can put up with my many moods has got to be a special person.

Love you Jbo.


Tami said…
Hey did you get the Hello Kitty from Forbes' web-site?
french sil said…
I agree because he is my little brother. Be happy

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