
Since we decided that we would stay home for the two week holiday break, we made a list of things that we could do around the house.

We hardly completed a thing.

During our time off, we slept in until nearly noon pretty much everyday. We would stay up until around 2 or 3am. That’s a lot of sleep!

  • We worked a bit on the fireplace, but it’s far from complete.
  • We worked on a few iMovie projects: DeYonker outtakes, elfyourself and the MINI GLC3. Not done.
  • We attended our niece’s marriage ceremony (this was not on our ‘to-do’ list).
  • We purchased some new office chairs and Jerome put them together – I disassembled the old ones so that we can recycle the metal and plastic – don’t really know what to do with the seat and back cushions - the cats are currently using them to sit/lay on.
  • We got the paperwork together and visited 2 mortgage companies to see if it would be in our best interest to refinance the houses for a lower interest rate. Turns out, it wouldn’t make a difference.
  • We bought airline tickets for our France trip this spring.
  • We took a look at our 401K contributions to see what we may change. We are going to wait to do anything until the end of the month – waiting for dividends.


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