month ONE with Felix...

Felix is staying with us for the summer.  He is a student intern at Takata Germany and for his degree he needs to work at Takata for 6 months a year.  Takata Germany decided that he should do a rotation in the US for three of those months.

So far we've done a few things with him and we hope to give him some more memories...

We've driven him through Grosse Pointe to Detroit - always a shock to the system...
Comerica Park
Belle Isle
MINI trip to Gun Lake
Many, many BBQ's and parties
Green Dot Stables and Ocean Prime + many other restaurants (including Younger's!)
My brother's house for our niece's 15th birthday...

We will take him to Tennessee and go zip-lining and cave exploring at the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky.

We are planning a trip to Frankenmuth in mid-July.

Hopefully he'll go to Toronto, Niagara, Mackinac Island...but most likely those places he'll have to go on his own.


Jan Marie said…
Busy busy busy.

He'll have memories galore to take back to Germany.

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