month ONE with Felix...
Felix is staying with us for the summer. He is a student intern at Takata Germany and for his degree he needs to work at Takata for 6 months a year. Takata Germany decided that he should do a rotation in the US for three of those months.
So far we've done a few things with him and we hope to give him some more memories...
We've driven him through Grosse Pointe to Detroit - always a shock to the system...
Comerica Park
Belle Isle
MINI trip to Gun Lake
Many, many BBQ's and parties
Green Dot Stables and Ocean Prime + many other restaurants (including Younger's!)
My brother's house for our niece's 15th birthday...
We will take him to Tennessee and go zip-lining and cave exploring at the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky.
We are planning a trip to Frankenmuth in mid-July.
Hopefully he'll go to Toronto, Niagara, Mackinac Island...but most likely those places he'll have to go on his own.
He'll have memories galore to take back to Germany.