the path that leads you home...
After 3 years, my son has been Honorably Discharged from the Army.
He and his family moved back to Michigan yesterday. They will temporarily live with her parents in their basement. It's not really all that bad; the basement is a walkout so it doesn't have that "basementy" feeling. Peyton will have a bedroom upstairs - I think even better since then they won't hear her when she wakes up in the middle of the night...but Grandma and Grandpa will! What Luck!
Sam's mother flew down to North Carolina to help them with the drive back up to Michigan. Very helpful.
I was able to help out a little myself yesterday by showing up after work to offer assistance emptying the truck. We were fortunate that the weather was very nice yesterday; in the 50's.
On Monday, Justin will begin working at the same place his Father-in-law works. His FIL was able to get him this job. If he hadn't gotten him this job, Justin would have stayed in the Army because he felt good there. Justin's dad would have preferred that Justin had stayed in the Army (where Justin received the discipline that made him into a man. Something his father, nor I could do) and not come back to Michigan where the economy is depressed.
Time will tell. This is a very good job, with good pay and a good opportunity for Justin. It's in the Auto Industry, as one may have guessed. This is sort of an apprenticeship. He will be learning how to program robots. I think it's right up his alley.
Now I will be able to see my grand-daughter a lot more - and that's always a good thing!
Yes, I got my first full time job through dad, working for Chrysler - and now look at me! nearly 21 years later, still working in some capacity for Chrysler.
Thanks dad!