dad trivia...

I did some figuring today.

So far dad has sold 59 paintings on etsy since he started in August 2009 (2-1/2 years). This means he sells on average 2 paintings a month.

Out of the 59 paintings, he has had a total of 34 orders (some people ordered more than one painting at a time).

Out of the 34 orders, 18 orders were from unknown people and 16 orders were from family or friends.

AND dad officially has 2 groupies; ladies that have ordered several times and own more of his paintings than any of his family does.

One groupie is in Wisconsin (ordered 6 times and owns 11 paintings) and the other is in NYC (ordered 4 times and owns 5 paintings)...


Charisa said…
That's awesome! Your dad has groupies - you should be proud! :)
Jan Marie said…
I love my paintings.

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