DAY 4 (Sunday, September 27)...

Well, there isn't much to write about the MINI Great Lakes Crossing Trip since most of the people had left early to head back down to the Lower Peninsula. Last year we were doing the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for most of the day.

We did have our all you can eat crepe breakfast and collected an additional $70 for the charities. It turned out really good, we thought. Other than the electric stove coils radiating the heat; fluctuating between really hot to not so hot. Some crepes were rejected by inspector 86 (Jerome) because of some burned spots.

But this was good practice for when we open up our crepe vending business...sometime in the future.

We offered Nutella, bananas, strawberries, syrup, powdered sugar, jellies and butter. One of the couples on the trip also purchased some melon, grapes, blueberries and donut holes. And we also had orange juice.

We were lucky that the owners of the motel allowed us to chill out and take our time. I think we finally got out of there around noon or so.

On to our "vacation" portion of the trip.


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