he sold another piece...

Today I was renewing expired items and adding a couple of new paintings to my dad's etsy account. No lie, within 1 minute of posting a new painting - someone bought it!!! Man, he's doing better than we thought.

Dad is a little repetitive when it comes to his paintings. This one is nearly identical to the "Blue Trees of Winter" that was "found" by FoundHandMade.com earlier this month.

Anyway, the woman who purchased this one lives in Pennsylvania and said "Your work is wonderful! I am treating myself. I am a huge tree fan."


I just noticed that this blog is started to become my dad's blog - LOL.


Jan Marie said…
Isn't that great? Good job...Dad!

Oh and your reindeer are precious.
baby sister said…
Thanks, he's very "tickled" that people are actually buying his art. According to my mom, he's grinning ear to ear and this really has helped his ego a bit.

Whatever I can do for my dad to make him feel worthy, I will do. He's the sweetest guy I know.
Jabbles said…
Tell your Dad congrats, I am not in the market for art but it is nice work.

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