mglc4; Sept 24-27...

Again this year, Jerome and I were on the planning committee for the MINI’s Great Lakes Crossing.

This is a charity event that tries to raise money and awareness for some local charities (Project Access & Southwest Solutions) and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It typically lasts for 3-4 days (Thursday-Sunday) and involves our on-line car club.

This year we did the UP, eh?

Everything turned out great; the weather, the attractions and the other events that were planned.

Thanks goes out to all of the committee members:
Larry & Donna (The ZMini's)
Rick & Donna (The wrecker's)
Ron & Gretchen (The quinn48098's)
Greg & Kris (The Maxxes)
Jerome & Yvonne (The Moos)

Planning meetings were always a lot of fun!


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