Sparky's Saga...
This year has been a big year for the kitties and vet appointments. They had their annual appointment on December 5 , where they get their vaccines. Then Smokey needed an ultrasound and Sparky needed dental cleaning on January 16 . This day would have been expensive enough with those two procedures but I had to make it worse by having Smokey in her carrier on the front seat of the MINI. I should have known that she would pee in the carrier, like she always does. This time it got all over the seat. You just can’t get that smell out of fabric. After Jerome put in a ton of time and effort to clean the seat, new seats were required. This random vet day ended up costing us over $2000! And Smokey is not even “cured” yet. At this point, we’re focusing on Sparky… Every year right around springtime, Sparky starts molting. There are tumbleweeds and patches of fur all over the house. I am usually waiting in a...