It is getting a little frustrating that things have come to a complete stop and the weather is not getting any nicer.
We were told that "rain or shine" our garage door was going to be installed on Friday. I waited all day Friday to see if anyone was going to come out (which since I'm unemployed, this is not that big of a deal) and it wasn't until 6pm that the garage door people showed. I thought, they aren't going to try to do it tonight are they? There's only an hour or so of light left. Well, they didn't - they only dropped off the door. So, a phone call to the contractor.
Contractor said that they would be here at 9am Saturday. They did come...and then they left without doing anything. Called the contractor and he said that the garage door people couldn't install because they need a wood "frame" to attach the track to. They can't just drill into the cement - so now it will be put off until Tuesday.
So, they are supposed to come tomorrow - unless it's raining...