We didn't have to wake up as early today. Needed to be on the road by 9:30AM.
We got to the
Tahquamenon Falls State Park - Upper Falls by quarter after 10. Jerome and I had been here 8 years ago (October 21, 2001) and couldn't remember going to both the lower and the upper at the time, but looking at old photos, it looks like we did do both.

We had until 12:30 to explore the Upper falls area and then meet up at the
Tahquamenon Falls Brewery for lunch.

I guess everyone else was done exploring closer to noon and had already gathered at the restaurant. Jerome and I came late after most had already been served and were eating. There were a couple of other stragglers after us. I guess the problem was that there were two wedding parties that showed up unannounced and the Brewery had to make room for them.

We were at the Lower Falls by 2PM and stayed for about an hour. This was pretty nice as well. Some of our group took a little row boat across the river to the other side of the falls. Everyone was getting sleepy.

Some decided to go back to the motel while others wanted to go on and do more scenic driving. We were in that group and we headed to
Whitefish Point. There were gift shops to discover and the beach where some were throwing and skipping rocks that took hundreds of years to get up on shore, back into the frigid waters of Lake Superior.

We were going to continue our drive to
Point Iroquois, but time had gotten away from us and it was nearly 5PM when we started back to the motel.
Once back at the motel, we had a little bit of time to prepare for the evenings raffles and auctions that we would have at the local restaurant
Zellar's Village Inn.
We had three separate raffles; one for each basket that was left and then one for everything else. And we only auctioned off a Day at the Spa (for your MINI) and the car cleaning kit.
All in all, we raise some reasonable dough for our charities during the raffles and auctions. Just over $1200.
All tuckered out, we headed back to the motel for our last night up in the Upper Peninsula by the bonfire. Some people would be leaving early to head back down, while others would take their time.
Jerome and I were organizing a crepe breakfast in the morning; all you can eat crepe's for $5 - all proceeds go to charity...we were hoping for a huge turn-out.