trip to boston, cont'd...
Erin and her boyfriend Chris in one car (small SUV) and me in my VW Golf head out to the airport. I brought our walkie-talkies in order to make everything a little easier and good thing I did; Chris drives fast!
They landed at 2:45pm - and were in customs, we were already there out the customs door, waiting. Nick called Erin and said that he and his roommate Brandon were coming by mass transportation and couldn't get their friend Adams truck - so it was a really good thing that I came with my "big" car.

Pretty nice place for them to live for a month while they look for a house to buy.

Later I took the boys back to their place and got to check it out. Very bachelor-paddy and nothing on the walls, which surprised me since both of them just graduated from an art school. Nick showed me his paint swatches for the future wall colors. He likes really right colors. We discussed what he could do with the remains of the futon; make a coffee table with the frame.
Then I took Miss Erin back to her house at Wheaton College and stayed one more night.
The next morning I got up, showered and gathered up my things and went out to my car which was parked in visitors/faculty parking. Noticed that I had a bright florescent green violation on my windshield; $30. Bummer.
Drove out to Terry's following a map I printed at Erin's - yes, I can still read maps ;) For some reason, Samantha (my GPS) was not finding 1 Windsor Woods Lane - must be that it's such new construction.
Terry & Bill were nearly ready to go. The plan for today was to do some reconnaissance all the way up to Rockport, MA. It was a beautiful fall day. Terry was busy taking pictures.

We were invited to Bill's mom's house in Foxboro, MA for a chili dinner that evening. Bill's brother Brian was there as well. Even though I've met him several times, he didn't remember me - I guess I leave a lasting impression on people - I mean, heck, they've only been married for 23 years and I was the maid-of-honor.
When we arrived back to the temporary housing, there were no parking spots except for under the carports. Bill told me to park there. I said that I wasn't sure that was a good idea. But he wouldn't let it go and said that he wasn't told they were for any specific tenant. So I did. By the second day, Bill brought to my attention that I had a nasty note on my car. Of course it said that the person pays for her parking spot and to NEVER park there again. I said to Bill "see, I told you I shouldn't have parked there" and he denied ever telling me to park there in the first place; weird.

We needed to end early on the second day because we were going to visit my nephew Nick at his new job; 38 Studios. The drive to Maynard was picturesque! The old mill (Clock Tower Place) that Nick's job is located was transformed into a cool (huge) modern/industrial space. 38 Studios in general was way cool. Nick is designing characters for a new web-based video game. We stayed for a little over an hour and had the full tour. Met his co-workers and the owner of the company; Curt Schilling. When Terry met Curt, she told him that "anyone who knows anything about football knows him" - then laughed and said "I know you play baseball". Very "Terry" thing to say :)
Afterward we went to pick up Brandon and his girlfriend Jackie. Terry & Bill got to check out Nick's place and then we headed to Fabiola's (Nick's "friend-girl" who also happened to get a job at 38 Studios after graduation) place to take a look at what a bachelor girls place looks like. Then we headed into town for dinner. Margarita's was the first choice, but there was an hour and a half wait, so we went across the street to the Skellig Irish Pub. There was live Irish music and it wasn't very busy at all. I had the lobster cakes, which were very good - I would highly recommend them.
Took the kids home and headed back. I would be leaving the next day, so I needed my rest.
On my way home the next day, I noticed as it was getting dark that my headlights were out. I only had my daytime running lights and they were not very bright. I had to drive with my brights on for the last 2 hours of my trip.
Maine looks wonderful but I bet it gets cold there? It's already too cold here!!!
It's Massachusetts, not Maine - and yeah, it gets just as cold, windy and snowy there as it does here. Only the economy is much better and it's just gorgeous and New Englandy there.