monday. one day. tuesday. two day. wednesday. when? huh? what day?...
That's a quote taken from Joey of Friends. He was explaining the week. Can't wait til tomorrow to use what he says for Thursday :)
We didn't have anything planned, but oh how plans change.
Decided to postpone the attorney visit for the Estate Planning for a couple of weeks. We are and will be just too busy.
Had put the house on Craigslist on Tuesday night. So, we needed to show it on Wednesday to the many hoards of people who contacted us about it. Wednesday was a day of calling a ton of people and sending a ton of emails with more details and pictures.
We met a few nice potential tenants. Two seemed really interested but only one has made a plan to look at it again with his wife and kids on Friday.
...hummm, Joey never got to Friday in his explanation.
We did some cleanup, such as changing the locks and toilet seat. Took out the garbage and recycle bin. Took down some Christmas lights that we assume are now ours to keep. They are the nice LED lights and there are a ton, about $100 worth of lights. So, cool.
The garbage had been all over the place. Some animal had gotten into it and there were things everywhere, including some ripped up papers that I noticed right away because I saw that it had a SSN right in plain view. Turns out our tenant was not just running from us, but the IRS and other bill collectors. Seems from the ripping up and throwing it in the garbage that he is not planning on paying them what is due. But don't worry...from what I could tell from the used condoms that were also scattered around where the garbage was, he's getting plenty of sex.
And he obviously did not give the Post Office a forwarding address because a bunch of bills for him were in the mailbox. Now we're going to have to get a hold of his workplace.
This reminded us that we needed to change the utilities into our name. So when we got home, we logged in to the Landlords section of the utility companies and wouldn't you know, he had already taken the bill out of his name. And we were not informed by the utility companies - which we should have been. And this would have been a nice "heads-up" for us. I am a bit frustrated with how that turned out because this is the exact reason why I signed up for the program. To be informed if something strange were to happen.