new years and the week following...
Just before leaving Tennessee, I got onto my email account and sent a quick note to my sister Terry to let her know we were on our way home and to expect us that evening. We drove several hours to get home - we did it in one day.
She finally looked at the note and quickly called us as we were pulling up in our driveway. She was not expecting us until the next day. So, they were not at our house; they were at my parents. They did not have time to clean up and make the place "look pretty" before we arrived. But it's all good. We would have just messed up anything that she had done with all of our luggage and stuff from our trip.
Oh, did I mention that she, her husband and son were staying at our house from December 26th? They were in town for Christmas and it's much easier to stay at our place than at our parents. Plus, they took care of our kitties...Oh, and they brought their 2 dogs; Zoey and Mocha. Kitties were not happy. at.all.
Jerome and I had joked that by the time we came home (evening of December 29), Sparky and Zoey would be such good friends that Sparky would be taking rides on Zoey's back. wrong.
The day after we arrived, there were plans to go to my nephew's restaurant in Wixom and enjoy some nice Italian food. Alex is an assistant chef at Volare's and brought out appetizers and dessert "on the house"! It was very nice.
Well anyway, we were planning a little family party for New Year's Eve at our house. We invited my sister and her family (of course), my brother Ray and our cousin Martine and her daughters.

Jerome made some fantastic food, as usual. He made huge scallops, we had crab legs and filet mignon. And he made his famous tiramisu. Just lovely. Terry made some appetizers and Martine brought some as well.

We toasted the New Year with everyone present and played games until around 2am. It was really nice.
Saturday, Bill and Nick left for Massachusetts; they both had to be back to work on Monday. Terry and the doggies stayed. We had a couple of days together before her daughter Erin and Erin's boyfriend Chris arrived - back from a conference in St. Louis and visiting Chris' family in Chicago.
We took Erin and Chris to Jerome's favorite place; Kart2Kart for indoor go-kart racing. Of course, as you've seen before, Jerome came in first for our group. Chris was a great challenger and was rather upset that he didn't do better. We tried to reassure him that he actually did better than most. It's just that Jerome is very good :D
They decided to stay an extra day so that they could do a little Detroit tour, but after the go-karting, Erin got very sick. So, they stayed the extra day so that Erin could recuperate. Which is too bad since all of the Detroit area that Chris got to see was the inside of my house.
Thursday morning was crazy with Terry and Erin packing the car to head back to Massachusetts, Chris packing the car to head back to Chicago and Jerome and I heading back to work.
All went well and everyone arrived safely at their destination. A good time was had by all...except for the cats who spent most of the time holed up in our bedroom.
They are happy now.
She finally looked at the note and quickly called us as we were pulling up in our driveway. She was not expecting us until the next day. So, they were not at our house; they were at my parents. They did not have time to clean up and make the place "look pretty" before we arrived. But it's all good. We would have just messed up anything that she had done with all of our luggage and stuff from our trip.
Oh, did I mention that she, her husband and son were staying at our house from December 26th? They were in town for Christmas and it's much easier to stay at our place than at our parents. Plus, they took care of our kitties...Oh, and they brought their 2 dogs; Zoey and Mocha. Kitties were not happy. at.all.
Well anyway, we were planning a little family party for New Year's Eve at our house. We invited my sister and her family (of course), my brother Ray and our cousin Martine and her daughters.

All went well and everyone arrived safely at their destination. A good time was had by all...except for the cats who spent most of the time holed up in our bedroom.
They are happy now.
Bummer she got sick. I've been staying away from everyone so I don't get sick.