the greatest show on earth...

The circus is in town.
Apparently every year around this time the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus comes to the Palace of Auburn Hills. They come by train; isn't that the way a circus is supposed to come? The train tracks are about a mile and a half from the Palace, so the elephants, horses and shetland ponies get let off near the GM plant and then they walk the rest of the way to the Palace. Bill from the MINI club informed me of this last year. He works Rousch which is located on Giddings Road, where the elephants walk right by. Last year, right around this time, I began working at FEV, Inc. on Brown Road and it's just a short walk to Giddings Road. I got to take a few minutes around 10:30 AM today and go see the elephants!!!
Apparently every year around this time the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus comes to the Palace of Auburn Hills. They come by train; isn't that the way a circus is supposed to come? The train tracks are about a mile and a half from the Palace, so the elephants, horses and shetland ponies get let off near the GM plant and then they walk the rest of the way to the Palace. Bill from the MINI club informed me of this last year. He works Rousch which is located on Giddings Road, where the elephants walk right by. Last year, right around this time, I began working at FEV, Inc. on Brown Road and it's just a short walk to Giddings Road. I got to take a few minutes around 10:30 AM today and go see the elephants!!!